Solve wordplays and unravel scientific phenomena in a day-long crossword adventure!
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Word Games
Unleash your wordplay skills in a triad of fast-paced, head-to-head games exploring the language of science!
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Stitch a Story
Co-author an unpredictable tale with a friend, unleashing your creativity, and win exciting prizes!
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Spelling Bee
Experience a linguistic rollercoaster in a two-round Spelling Bee, where spellers of all ages duel to showcase their mastery of words.
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Foundation Day Quiz (IMQC)
A fun and challenging science quiz for school students in classes 9-12, hosted by IISER Mohali Quiz Club, with prizes worth INR 5000/-.
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Can you Teach it ?
Unleash your inner educator in our competition, where your A4 sheet becomes a canvas for scientific explanations