Introduction and setup for NCL environment used in the course

NCL for EES405

NCL (NCAR Command Language) is a free interpreted language designed specifically for scientific data analysis and visualization, notably in Earth system science. It supports various data formats, including netCDF, and allows for complex data analysis and visualization through a comprehensive set of functionalities.

Loading and Inspecting Files

                ; Loading a netCDF file
                f = addfile("", "r")
                ; Inspecting a variable

Basic Data Visualization

                ; Creating a simple XY plot
                x = fspan(0, 2*3.14, 100)
                y = sin(x)
                plot = gsn_xy(wks, x, y, res)

With its extensive capabilities in data analysis and high-quality graphics, NCL is a powerful tool for researchers in the climate and geophysical sciences. For more details, refer to the official NCL documentation.