Introduction and setup for MATLAB environment used in the course


MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory) is a powerful computing environment that is widely used in many scientific and engineering fields, including Earth and climate sciences. With its efficient handling of matrix operations and a rich set of toolboxes, MATLAB makes data analysis, algorithm development, and visualization straightforward and effective. It has robust functionality for reading, writing and manipulating netCDF files, a data format broadly used in climate science.

Reading NetCDF Files

                % Reading a netCDF file
                filename = '';
                % Extracting a variable
                var = ncread(filename, 'variable_name');

Matrix Manipulations

                % Creating a matrix
                A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9];
                % Transposing a matrix
                B = A';
                % Multiplying matrices
                C = A * B;
                % Element-wise multiplication
                D = A .* B;
                % Inverting a matrix
                E = inv(A);

MATLAB's versatility and ease of use makes it an indispensable tool in Earth and climate sciences, whether for developing complex climate models, analysing large datasets or visualizing climate patterns. For more details, refer to the official MATLAB documentation.