CDO and Linux

Introduction and setup for CDO and Linux environment used in the course

Linux Commands for EES405

Linux is an incredibly versatile operating system, with a great level of efficiency and precision when handling files and processes. This becomes particularly relevant in climate science where researchers often have to deal with large datasets. Understanding basic Linux commands can streamline the process of managing, processing and analyzing these datasets.

                # Moving files or directories
                mv source target
                # Copying files or directories
                cp source target
                # Secure copy over SSH
                scp source user@host:target
                # Listing files and directories
                # Listing files with detailed information
                ls -ls
                # Changing permissions (e.g., making a file executable)
                chmod +x filename

CDO Functions for EES405

CDO (Climate Data Operators) is a collection of command line operators designed to work with climate and NWP model data. It is used extensively in the climate research community for the manipulation and analysis of climate data. Its efficiency in handling large datasets and flexibility with various file formats make it a powerful tool for working with climate data. Below are some example functions:

                # General syntax
                cdo <operator> <input files> <output files>
                # Selecting a geographical region
                cdo sellonlatbox,lon1,lon2,lat1,lat2 ifile ofile
                # Selecting specific months
                cdo selmon,months ifile ofile
                # Selecting specific years
                cdo selyear,years ifile ofile
                # Converting file format with reduced precision
                cdo -r -f nc ifile ofile

For more details on CDO functions, refer to the official CDO documentation.